Saturday, March 21, 2009

Parents Voice Concerns Over Asbestos at Texas Elementary School

Concerned parents met with school administrators to discuss asbestos contamination inside Norman Elementary school in Austin.

The school, located on Tannehill Lane, was built in 1969 when asbestos was still used in many construction materials.

Parents are concerned that asbestos within the building might be affecting the health of their children. After the meeting concluded, many felt they did not receive answers to some pressing questions and a few parents discussed the possibility of hiring legal representation.

In response to parent concerns the school district has hired an industrial hygienist to take air samples within the building. The district will be sharing the results of their findings at another meeting scheduled for October 27.

Asbestos exposure within schools has become a well documented hazard. England's Health and Safety Executive determined 179 teachers died between 1980 and 2000 as a result of an asbestos related disease.

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