Friday, March 27, 2009

Major asbestos case over compensation to begin soon

UK - A landmark court case over compensation rights for asbestos victims is expected to start soon.

The battle is over the issue of whether insurers should be forced to pay for asbestos-related damages dating as far as the initial exposure or from when the sufferer is diagnosed. The ruling will be decided by the High Court.

The workers affected and the Unite trade union said the insurance industry is trying to evade its accountability and hoping to profit at the expense of others' suffering. A union official said insurance companies have a duty to help victims. He called the situation "sickening" and said the union plans to fight against the insurers every step of the way.

However, the insurance companies are disputing the claim, saying it only makes sense that they should be responsible only starting from when the victim becomes ill. They argue that their policies are only evoked when the condition is diagnosed.

Millions of dollars are at stake that could be provided victims and their families. The case is expected to go on for about two months, with a decision likely to be made in the fall.

Both sides have already stated that they plan to appeal should the ruling go against them.

Asbestos-related illnesses, which typically take decades to show up after initial exposure, are responsible for the greatest amounts of work-related deaths in the country. Tradesmen most likely to develop a condition are former shipyard workers and those from other heavy industries.

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