Friday, March 27, 2009

Asbestos delays school renovation

Madison County, GA - Renovations work at Madison County Middle School has been delayed after officials found asbestos in the building.

Fortunately, Superintendent Dr. Mitch McGhee said the delay won't be as long as they had originally been told. The initially estimation was that asbestos cleanup would hold the project back for two weeks and cost the school system about $200,000. However, upon further review, the delay is only expected to be for two to three days and cost $41,000 for abatement of the cancer-causing material.

Dr. McGhee was relieved to hear the new numbers, saying he felt like he was having a heart attack when he heard the initial estimates. According to the superintendent, students and staff were not at risk for exposure from the asbestos, and the school has hired a professional contractor to perform the asbestos removal.

The goal behind the renovation project is to transform the old MCMS building into a hybrid that will serve multiple purposes. It will house the central office as well as the Danielsville Elementary Colt Academy and the Madison County High School Freshmen Academy.

The construction crew performing the renovation work found floor tiles containing asbestos underneath carpet in the freshmen academy section of the building. The tiles were beneath layers of flooring that have been installed over the years since the building's construction in 1956.

Dr. McGhee said that although asbestos has been removed from the school before, they had no documented reports of these asbestos-laden tiles. He added that the school system is audited every three years for asbestos by a professional firm.

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