Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mayor takes action on reports of asbestos activities

Lyndhurst, NJ - Protesters from the Laborers Local 78 union were holdings signs that read "Asbestos Kills" outside an the former Bedroc building in Lyndhurst on December 9.

While the union members were there more because they thought non-union members were performing work on the building's roof, their actions were noticed by local officials concerned about possible asbestos removal activities. Mayor Richard DiLascio immediately took action by calling in a building inspector to check on the work.

While it was verified that the company performing the work did have a permit from the state Department of Environmental Protection, the mayor said his office wasn't aware of their work until then. He said he wants to create a new ordinance that would require any party conducting asbestos-related work to also notify the township beforehand.

The union protesters pointed out that the company workers were not performing the job safely, citing the absence of hardhats and a barrier to prevent the workers from falling off the roof.

The mayor has a reason to be concerned about asbestos contamination in the industrial zone where the building is located. Earlier this year, it was discovered that the soil near the newly constructed recreation fields in the vicinity contained asbestos. The township has been working with the state DEP to resolve the problem.

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